Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Dodgy light fitting's and parents who don't care.

So yesterday a kid in my sons class threw his book bag at the light and the light fitting fell down and hit my son in the head. Now these lights are long and heavy, luckily he wasn't badly injured. I have the same light fittings in my kitchen so I've been chucking things at it and surpirse it didn't fall. After speaking to the school they've checked some of the fittings thankfully.
Now onto the child that threw it, this kid constantly picks on my son, pushing him and hitting him. So I decided that this morning I would speak to his mum calmly, I'll give you some convo let's call her nasty and her friend, nasty friend lol.
Me: Can I have a word? (blank face from his mum) Have you spoke to your son about yesterday?
Nasty: None of your business.
Me: Look he constantly picks on my son.
Nasty Friend: Speak to the school not us.
Me: I'm talking to your daughter not you. (Apparently they're not related, they look like it lol) The schools spoke to you but it keeps happening, it's been going on for a year.
Nasty: You don't know who you are messing with
(Both give me evils and leave)

Weird, I know but I don't want my son to be picked on or light fittings fall on his head. My son may sometimes not do as he's told but he would never hurt another child, he's a sweet kid who cares for others.