Sunday 23 October 2011

Leather Jackets and Vampire Diaries.

So the weather has changed lately, it's going absolutely freezing, brrrrrrrr. You know what I want? A leather Jacket.
 Yes it's a picture from the Vampire Diaries, this is what made me want a leather Jacket.

Now on to The Vampire Diaries, I'm loving Season 3 it's soooo good. I want to punch Claus though lol. Team Damon :-)

Sunday 9 October 2011

Having more kids. :-)

So everytime I see any of my friends & some family members they ask me about having more kids. I think it's because I have a 5 year old they assume I want another right now and honestly sometimes I do but being logical, right now is not a good time. I have my whole life ahead of me and I'm only 22 as the title of my blog says. It's not because I want to go out and get drunk, I don't see the point in that, no offence on anyone who likes to. I want to dedicate my spare time to writing my novels (when I'm not having writers block lol) and taking my son out. About a year ago I was really wanting another child but then I realised I wasn't ready and neither is my house hahaha it needs a lot of work.
I know this is a weird blog but it's just a question I get asked at least once a month 'Are you planning on more kids SOON?' My answer is 'No.' Ask me the same question in about 3 years and my answer will probably be yes. :-) That's if my hubby wants to. Take care x

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Rant about a childish 32 year old

So the other day my husbands ex training partners girlfriend asks me about our other halfs traning together again and I tell her that my hubby has already spoke to him about it (andy is very commited to bodybuilding and he has never missed training) I told her, her boyfriend already spoke to Andy. All of a sudden her tune changes. Well Neil has a new training partner, and he can't be dealing with people messing him about. He said next time he sees Ash (my hubbys training partner) he's going to bang him (another word was used but lets not say that).
So I go to the gym before town and tell my husband and Ash is there, it doesn't go down well. Later in the day picking my son up from school my husband and her speak, and I get called over. She denies everything and then tells me 'I don't know who I'm messing with' then she turns to my hubby and says 'do you even know you wife?' (Mu hubby sticks up for me :-) ) So I'm fuming and tell her something from 2 years previous 'Do you even know your boyfriend, asking for my friends numbers saying he wants out of his relationship' She's not happy about this and gets in my face. On leaving school grounds I retaliate 'Hey Nicola you best watch yourself.' Later that night after phone calls (her boyfriend denies it, but they don't have a healthy relationship with black eyes to each other and mental abuse) we get texts saying they want to leave it. So we agree.
She is still lost in school times literally she has told everyone of the schools parents her version (it's a small school) and I get numerous dirty looks now this would bother me if I cared, half of the parents are sheep. All in all she should grow up she has 3 kids and is 32. I'm 22 and I know better.
I think this started through anger of her boyfriend giving up the gym and my hubby not wanting to train with him after him being let down for 2 years. Get over it, be supportive to what your boyfriend wants, I'm supportive of my husbands and his goals and on a side note, I'm very proud of my hubby as he's worked hard to get where he is and become a sponsered athlete.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Hot weather in October and Halloween Movies.

I can't believe it's the first of October already, and more than that, I can't believe its roasting hot. If I was a potato I would be crispy. I know at this time of year other places are always hot but not the UK especially the North West. With weather like this it's unbelievable how close Christmas is, this is July weather not October, I mean Halloween is at the end of the month. And one thing I don't look forward to is Halloween and all the creepy movies and by creepy movies I don't mean Insidious or Mirrors. I mean Hocus Pocus and Casper and I'm not joking. Can someone tell me what is right with the creepy witches sucking the life out of kids? It terrfies me really bad and don't get me started on Casper. It's not the concept of the movie, it's Casper the way he's all friendly and says hello, his uncles are less creepy. For halloween this year I think I'll stick with Practical Magic, it's usually on at halloween time as the ending is in Halloween. :-)
I will be updating my blog weekly now and back with youtube videos soon. Take care.